Royal Darwin Hospital Landscape Master Plan

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The Northern Territory Government is developing the Royal Darwin Hospital Landscape Master Plan to promote healthy patients, workforce and environment.

A design consultancy has been awarded to develop a landscaping masterplan in consultation with stakeholder groups to identify and guide the future development of green spaces at RDH and:

  • enhance the local landscape and amenity using a variety of appropriate plant, tree and shrub species
  • encourage active mobility of patients, staff and visitors, and incorporate wellness, healing, breakout areas and cooling outcomes for green spaces
  • preserve biodiversity and First Nations cultural safety.

Due to a warming climate, the Northern Territory will continue to get hotter into the future. The CSIRO Darwin Living Lab has generated thermal images from around the hospital campus to identified hotspots. Imaging in the hospital car parks show temperatures exceeding 60°C.

Areas already planted are showing a reduction in surface temperature by up to 29°C.

The master plan is expected to be completed by September 2024.

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Contributions to the survey have now closed for evaluation and review.

Once the master plan has been developed it will be made available on

Proposed example of green space at Royal Darwin Hospital

The Northern Territory Government is developing the Royal Darwin Hospital Landscape Master Plan to promote healthy patients, workforce and environment.

A design consultancy has been awarded to develop a landscaping masterplan in consultation with stakeholder groups to identify and guide the future development of green spaces at RDH and:

  • enhance the local landscape and amenity using a variety of appropriate plant, tree and shrub species
  • encourage active mobility of patients, staff and visitors, and incorporate wellness, healing, breakout areas and cooling outcomes for green spaces
  • preserve biodiversity and First Nations cultural safety.

Due to a warming climate, the Northern Territory will continue to get hotter into the future. The CSIRO Darwin Living Lab has generated thermal images from around the hospital campus to identified hotspots. Imaging in the hospital car parks show temperatures exceeding 60°C.

Areas already planted are showing a reduction in surface temperature by up to 29°C.

The master plan is expected to be completed by September 2024.

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Contributions to the survey have now closed for evaluation and review.

Once the master plan has been developed it will be made available on

Proposed example of green space at Royal Darwin Hospital

Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024, 08:44 AM