Northern Territory Disability Strategy
Consultation has concluded

The Northern Territory Government has a vision where Territorians of all abilities are able to live life to their fullest potential and have access to quality services no matter where they live. The Northern Territory Disability Strategy will be a whole of government plan to achieve this vision. The Strategy will show what people with disability in the Territory want and how we can make this happen.
The Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities invites comments and ideas on the development of the Northern Territory Disability Strategy and first three year Action Plan.
The Department developed a discussion paper and draft Strategy as a starting point for you to provide your feedback and input. The discussion paper provides background information on the Strategy and asks you questions about what is working well and what needs to change. The discussion paper also asks for your feedback on the draft Strategy and your input to the priorities and actions for the first three year action plan.
We welcome your feedback on the draft as well as your ideas and comments on issues you consider important that are not in the draft and should be included.
How to have your say
Your experiences, values and ideas will inform the development of the Strategy.
You can have your say by:
- completing the Northern Territory Disability Strategy Survey
- uploading a written submission to the discussion paper
- sharing your ideas with members of the NT Disability Strategy Oversight Group and Working Groups
- attending an NT Disability Strategy workshop
- contacting the Office of Disability at or (08) 8999 2445.
You can ask for help to give your feedback by contacting:
- Darwin Community Legal Services (Top End). Email:; Tel: (08) 8982 1111 or 1800 812 953 (free call).
- Disability Advocacy Services (Central Australia). Email:; Tel: (08) 8953 1422.
Please provide your input by 31 December 2021.
More information the Northern Territory Disability Strategy is available on the Office of Disability consultation webpage.