Northern Territory Concessions Review
Consultation has concluded

Consultation on the review of the NT Pensioner and Carer Scheme has now closed.
The Northern Territory Government undertook wide public consultation on all aspects of the current NT Pensioner and Carer Concession Scheme.
The review is intended to reform the scheme to make it fairer, more flexible, more efficient to manage and sustainable over the long term.
Since public consultation on the review began on July 10, Territory Families staff have conducted or attended 16 public forums, numerous stakeholder briefings and have responded to over 2 000 public enquiries by telephone. Thousands of survey forms were sent out and over 4000 have been returned so far. An online survey conducted via this website attracted over 670 responses and 25 comments were left on the guestbook. Approximately 100 people also sent their comments and feedback via email.
Click here to view the public consultation report.
Several major stakeholder organisations made comprehensive submissions to the review. Read the submissions from:
Two new schemes
In response to feedback, the government has developed two new schemes to replace the existing single scheme – the Northern Territory Concession Scheme and the Seniors Recognition Scheme.
The two schemes will be introduced from 1 July 2018, and no changes will affect existing members until that date.
The NT Concession Scheme will continue to support eligible pensioners, including aged pension recipients, with the cost of living.
The Seniors Recognition Scheme recognises the valuable contribution that seniors continue to make to the Northern Territory. It will give all senior Territorians 65 years and over, $500 a year in concessions. This is more than the government's election commitment of $350 a year for seniors.
Any Territorian 65 years of age and over may be eligible for both schemes.
For more details, go to the NT Concessions website.