10-Year Generational Strategy for Children and Families
Submissions to the 10-Year Generational Strategy have now closed. If you have any questions please contact reform.managementoffice@nt.gov.au

The 10-Year Generational Strategy for Children and Families in the Northern Territory will set out a vision and policy framework for child and family services for all children, young people and families in the Northern Territory.
The Generational Strategy will describe how governments, services and local communities can work together to achieve better service delivery and support. It will provide communities with more say into the selection and mix of services available in their area, with government investment more closely linked to local needs.
The Generational Strategy is being co-designed by the Australian Government, Northern Territory Government, Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory (APO NT), North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA) and the NT Council of Social Services (NTCOSS).
Consultations have been occurring since July across the Territory to develop the draft Strategy. We have heard from people in all regions about the needs of families, now and into the future, and this has informed the draft Strategy. Our Discussion Paper and an interim Consultation Summary that outlines what we heard in the first phase of consultation will be available on the Reform Management Office website.
Now we are asking for your feedback on the draft Strategy. You are invited to provide your input to ensure the final Strategy meets the needs of all children and families in the Territory.
You can email a submission, complete the online survey or share your story – by uploading a video or picture. Submissions are welcomed from everyone, including individuals, families, community groups and organisations. Submissions will be accepted via this website until 5pm Sunday 24 October 2021.
If you would like to arrange an alternative way to provide feedback or require any further information, please contact reform.managementoffice@nt.gov.au
Share a story
If you have a story, photo or image that you want to share, we want to hear about it. Stories can be written, told through images or videos.
Alternatively, you can send your story to the Generational Strategy Working Group by emailing reform.managementoffice@nt.gov.au
If you share a story here your story will be publicly displayed.