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NTPS EmployAbility Strategy 2024-2027 Staff Survey

Thank you for agreeing to take part in this important survey. It will only take a few minutes to complete and all answers are private and confidential. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact

If you are providing information through this survey that relates to improper conduct, you have an obligation under the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2017 to report said conduct to the ICAC. Information on your obligations under the act, and information on how to report is available on the ICAC website. Further, OCPE may provide comments made in this survey to the ICAC as part of its obligation to report suspected improper conduct, whether or not the allegation is made anonymously.

The definition of improper conduct:

“Improper conduct is conduct that is corrupt, illegal, dishonest, a breach of public trust, a breach of discipline, mismanagement of NTG resources, or substantial mismanagement generally.”

About you

This information will help provide a snapshot into our workforce. Your responses will remain confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of enhancing the strategy.

Select option

Select option

Select option

Select option

Select option

Disability Definition 

The following section relates to the Disability Definition and increasing uptake of people formally identifying as having a disability. 


Do you currently identify as a person with a disability?

This question does not relate to the current NTPS definition. Please answer this question according to your everyday life.

New NTPS Disability Definition 

Based on NTPS staff feedback, within the new Employability Strategy, the previous Disability Definition has been removed. 

In its place, the NTPS recognises that there are at two official definitions of disability; the contemporary social definition provided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the national legal definition provided by the Disability Discrimination Act definition.

Both definitions aim to protect against discrimination and help all people to understand their rights and responsibilities.

United Nations definition

Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments, which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) definition

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) legislation protects Australians against discrimination based on a broad definition of disability including these eight disability types:

  • Physical disability: Impacts mobility or dexterity
  • Intellectual disability: Impacts ability to learn or process information
  • Mental illness: Impacts thinking processes
  • Sensory disability: Impacts the ability to hear or see
  • Neurological disability: Impacts the brain and central nervous system
  • Learning disability: Impacts acquisition, organisation, retention, and understanding of information
  • Physical disfigurement: Impacts physical appearance
  • Immunological disability: Impact due to the presence of organisms causing disease in the body
Please select the option that applies to you.

With the change to the Disability Definition, would you now update your myHR records to reflect that you have a disability?

Feedback on proposed focus areas in Draft NTPS Employability Strategy 2024-2027

The following key focus areas have been identified:

1. Improve attraction, recruitment and retention of people with disability

Outcome: Using attraction, recruitment and retention initiatives, we will increase the number of NTPS employees with disability to 8% by 2027. 

  • Action 1: Implement a pilot targeted recruitment program to employ people with disability in main‑stream, mid to senior level roles.
  • Action 2: Implement a Mentoring program
  • Action 3: Increase the Disability Employment Program

2. Improve workplace environment and accessibility

Outcome: Create workplace environments and culture that reduces barriers to performance and supports development opportunities for all employees resulting in improved disability employment statistics.

  • Action 1: Develop resources to support work units and employees with making necessary workplace for accessibility.
  • Action 2: Introduce Peer Support Officers (PSO) to complement existing support systems
  • Action 3: Develop an awareness campaign to empower and encourage all employees’ to embrace and work towards an inclusion workplace culture to create a safe environment for people with disability.
Please select the option that applies to you



Please select the option that applies to you



Awareness Campaign

The following section relates to the action around an awareness campaign to provide employees, managers and senior leaders a greater understanding of the strategy?






