Mineral Titles Act and Regulations Discussion Paper

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The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade is seeking feedback on the Mineral Titles Act 2010 (the Act) and Mineral Titles Regulations 2011 (the Regulations).

The Act and Regulations provide for the exploration, extraction and processing of minerals and extractive minerals in the Territory.

The Act establishes the criteria for the grant of mineral titles and sets out the rights and conditions under those titles, including the requirements to pay annual rent to the Northern Territory Government. It also allows for variations, subdivisions, amalgamations, surrenders and cancellation of titles, and has provisions in relation to reserving land, maintaining a mineral titles register and fossicking requirements.

Discussion paper

The regulation and administration of mineral titles in the Northern Territory is led by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT).

Since its commencement in 2011 the Act has operated effectively, however a number of technical and administrative issues have been highlighted for rectification, aimed at providing clarity and reducing administration for both industry and government.

A discussion paper has been developed which outlines these issues and proposes changes to the Act and Regulations. Factsheets have also been provided.

Making a submission

Please read the discussion paper prior to providing your feedback.

Public comment will remain open until 5pm, Tuesday 13 August 2024. Please note that your submission:

  • does not have to address all issues raised
  • is not limited to the issues set out in this paper
  • wherever possible should specifically state the issue you are addressing, with reference to a section of this paper or relevant provision under the Act or Regulations.

Your feedback will be used to inform potential legislative amendments and other changes to the mineral titles framework.

Feedback can be provided by email StrategyPolicyCoordination.DITT@nt.gov.au or by post to:

Mineral Titles

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

GPO Box 4550


What’s next

Submissions received will be compiled in a report for consideration and may help inform future legislation.

If you have any questions about this Discussion Paper, please contact Resource Policy and Reform at StrategyPolicyCoordination.DITT@nt.gov.au

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade is seeking feedback on the Mineral Titles Act 2010 (the Act) and Mineral Titles Regulations 2011 (the Regulations).

The Act and Regulations provide for the exploration, extraction and processing of minerals and extractive minerals in the Territory.

The Act establishes the criteria for the grant of mineral titles and sets out the rights and conditions under those titles, including the requirements to pay annual rent to the Northern Territory Government. It also allows for variations, subdivisions, amalgamations, surrenders and cancellation of titles, and has provisions in relation to reserving land, maintaining a mineral titles register and fossicking requirements.

Discussion paper

The regulation and administration of mineral titles in the Northern Territory is led by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT).

Since its commencement in 2011 the Act has operated effectively, however a number of technical and administrative issues have been highlighted for rectification, aimed at providing clarity and reducing administration for both industry and government.

A discussion paper has been developed which outlines these issues and proposes changes to the Act and Regulations. Factsheets have also been provided.

Making a submission

Please read the discussion paper prior to providing your feedback.

Public comment will remain open until 5pm, Tuesday 13 August 2024. Please note that your submission:

  • does not have to address all issues raised
  • is not limited to the issues set out in this paper
  • wherever possible should specifically state the issue you are addressing, with reference to a section of this paper or relevant provision under the Act or Regulations.

Your feedback will be used to inform potential legislative amendments and other changes to the mineral titles framework.

Feedback can be provided by email StrategyPolicyCoordination.DITT@nt.gov.au or by post to:

Mineral Titles

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

GPO Box 4550


What’s next

Submissions received will be compiled in a report for consideration and may help inform future legislation.

If you have any questions about this Discussion Paper, please contact Resource Policy and Reform at StrategyPolicyCoordination.DITT@nt.gov.au

Page published: 18 Jun 2024, 09:00 AM