Review of the ICAC Act 2017 Discussion Paper
Consultation has concluded

On 23 March 2021, the Hon Natasha Fyles MLA announced a review into the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2017 (the ICAC Act). Mr Greg Shanahan PSM commenced the review in April 2021 and provided his recommendations to the Chief Minister on 3 September 2021, which are outlined in the Discussion Paper.
This Discussion Paper seeks further views and consultation on the issues raised in the review in relation to the operation and jurisdiction of the ICAC Act, including preliminary recommendations, and how they should be implemented.
We are seeking public comment on the Discussion Paper by 5pm Friday 25 February 2022.
The Discussion Paper outlines a series of discussion questions itemised in each section.
Your comments are confidential and will not be published.
Your feedback will help to further inform reform options relating to issues identified in the Discussion Paper.
Proposed areas for reform will be progressed through a draft exposure bill which will be available for public comment.
Note: This review relates to issues of a general nature pertaining to the operations of the ICAC Act. Any formal complaints or reports relating to conduct under the jurisdiction of the ICAC should be directly provided to the ICAC. Any specific complaints received about the Commissioner and his Office will be not be investigated as part of this review, and should be referred to the ICAC Inspector.
How do I provide feedback?
Download the Review of the ICAC Act Discussion Paper 2017
Please email your feedback to
Or by post to:
ICAC Discussion Paper Submissions
C/O - Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
For more information on ICAC visit Home, Office of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption