CTP10-1: Palm Valley Development Wells – PV-14/ PV-15 OL3 Environment Management Plan
On 23 January 2025, Central Petroleum Limited (as an operator) submitted an Environment Management Plan (EMP) for assessment, under the Petroleum (Environment) Regulations 2016.
As part of the assessment process, the EMP was published for comment on 4 February 2025.
Comments close on 4 March 2025.
The EMP proposes a scope of activities on the operating oil and gas Palm Valley within Operating Licence OL3.
Your submission will be considered in the decision-making of this EMP by the NT Government, NT EPA and the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security.
Scope of activities
The EMP includes the following scope of activities:
- New ground disturbance (5.31 ha)
- Modification of existing well site access tracks if needed
- Modification to the existing well sites including the upgrading of the well site hardstand area, vehicle turnarounds
- Utilising a mixture of extraction of gravel and sand at each well site and if required, gravel from existing approved NT gravel pits, to support civil construction activities
- Construction of well site infrastructure including hardstand; engineered and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) lined turkey nests for water storage and drilling sump, lined (and hydrotested) flare pit, temporary worksite sheds and turnarounds
- Establishing a temporary 60-man accommodation camp at a previously cleared and operational active area in proximity to PV14 and PV15
- Drilling two conventional petroleum development wells, one each at PV14 and PV15 using a combination of mud-based and air/nitrogen/mist drilling systems
- Flaring of gas during drilling of the production reservoir and well testing
- Completion of wells at PV14 and PV15, in a success case
- Installation and commissioning of above and below ground flowlines from wellhead to the existing gathering network
- Installation of well site production equipment and safety systems
- On-site disposal of drill cuttings and residual drill fluids once tested using mix bury cover techniques. The cuttings will be stored before the relevant tests have been conducted and appropriately lined drilling sump with 500 mm freeboard
- Decommissioning wells that are not completed
- Partial rehabilitation of wells and well sites that are decommissioned. Noting the sites will have existing PV 06 and PV 09 infrastructure on the lease pads.
To find out more, read the Palm Valley Development Wells – PV-14/PV-15 OL3 Environment Management Plan.
For alternative access to the EMP, call the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment on 08 8924 4218.
How to provide comment
All information provided in public submissions will be published unless confidentiality is requested.
You can submit your comment by completing the form below.
If you cannot access the survey form, you can email your comments to CTP10.OL3@nt.gov.au or mail your comments, before the closing date to:
Department of Lands, Planning and Environment,
Petroleum Regulations Unit
PO Box 3675
Darwin NT 0801