Designing Better

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Consultation has concluded

Designing Better cover image - sylistic building and landscaping plan with NTPC logo and text: DESIGNING BETTER
Ideas for Improving Mixed Use and Residential Apartment Developments

The Designing Better project is an initiative of the NT Planning Commission. It focuses on development controls specifically relating to apartment and mixed use developments in Zones MR, HR, C and CB. Designing Better aims to:

  • respond to context through design;
  • respond to climate and contribute to the Territory’s built form character;
  • embrace innovation through flexible, best practice design solutions; and
  • encourage well designed liveable spaces for people living in apartment and mixed use developments.

The Stage 1 consultation paper identified key areas for discussion within existing requirements in NT Planning Scheme. Consultation on this stage was completed in March 2020.

Stage 2 material presented a suite of draft development requirements and amendments for consideration in the NT Planning Scheme, with additional guidance notes as supporting documentation. Stage Two consultation was completed in April 2021. A consultation report is available from the NT Planning Commission.

The feedback received through both stages of consultation has informed the finalisation of the proposed changes to the planning scheme and the guidance notes. The Planning Commission has provided a copy of the final proposal to the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics and requested that it be considered for inclusion in the NT Planning Scheme 2020 through a planning scheme amendment.

The Minister has decided to consolidate the Designing Better proposal with ongoing work of the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics. This work also relates to improving the design of buildings and places, and proposes changes to the development requirements in Part 5 of the planning scheme.

The consolidated planning scheme amendment seeks to incorporate economic recovery actions and Designing Better into the NT Planning Scheme 2020 by:

  • introducing Overlay 3.x GL – Gateway Locations
  • amending components of Part 4 (Zones and Assessment Tables) and Part 5 (Development Requirements)
  • amending Schedule 2.2. (General Definitions)

Following an initial exhibition period in early 2022, the proposed amendment has been updated to incorporate and respond to feedback received.

An altered proposal is on public exhibition now through to Friday 30 September 2022.

For more information on the Designing Better project, visit the NT Planning Commission’s website.

For more information on the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics’ Economic Recovery Actions project, visit the Planning Reform website or here on Have Your Say.

The Designing Better project is an initiative of the NT Planning Commission. It focuses on development controls specifically relating to apartment and mixed use developments in Zones MR, HR, C and CB. Designing Better aims to:

  • respond to context through design;
  • respond to climate and contribute to the Territory’s built form character;
  • embrace innovation through flexible, best practice design solutions; and
  • encourage well designed liveable spaces for people living in apartment and mixed use developments.

The Stage 1 consultation paper identified key areas for discussion within existing requirements in NT Planning Scheme. Consultation on this stage was completed in March 2020.

Stage 2 material presented a suite of draft development requirements and amendments for consideration in the NT Planning Scheme, with additional guidance notes as supporting documentation. Stage Two consultation was completed in April 2021. A consultation report is available from the NT Planning Commission.

The feedback received through both stages of consultation has informed the finalisation of the proposed changes to the planning scheme and the guidance notes. The Planning Commission has provided a copy of the final proposal to the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics and requested that it be considered for inclusion in the NT Planning Scheme 2020 through a planning scheme amendment.

The Minister has decided to consolidate the Designing Better proposal with ongoing work of the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics. This work also relates to improving the design of buildings and places, and proposes changes to the development requirements in Part 5 of the planning scheme.

The consolidated planning scheme amendment seeks to incorporate economic recovery actions and Designing Better into the NT Planning Scheme 2020 by:

  • introducing Overlay 3.x GL – Gateway Locations
  • amending components of Part 4 (Zones and Assessment Tables) and Part 5 (Development Requirements)
  • amending Schedule 2.2. (General Definitions)

Following an initial exhibition period in early 2022, the proposed amendment has been updated to incorporate and respond to feedback received.

An altered proposal is on public exhibition now through to Friday 30 September 2022.

For more information on the Designing Better project, visit the NT Planning Commission’s website.

For more information on the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics’ Economic Recovery Actions project, visit the Planning Reform website or here on Have Your Say.