Economic and Environment Policy - 2023-24 Client Satisfaction Survey
The Economic and Environment Policy is part of the Strategic Policy Division and is seeking feedback on your interactions with us. Your feedback will provide CM&C with valuable information about what we are doing well and should continue doing, and importantly, what could be done better.
The Strategic Policy division comprises the Social Policy and the Economic and Environment Policy units. Together they provide high quality, objective advice on policy issues to government and through inter-agency or intergovernmental projects. Each unit works to provide timely, expert advice on current and emerging policy matters, contributing to the development and implementation of whole-of-government priorities focused on improving social, economic and environmental outcomes. Social Policy also facilitates funding assistance to organisations and groups fostering social cohesion through the Community Support Grants program. Economic and Environment Policy contributes to the whole-of-government regulation-making process by undertaking regulation impact assessments of legislation.
CM&C's Governance, Information and Reporting team is coordinating this year’s survey. Please note, the survey is designed to ensure your response is confidential and, by collating responses from all relevant stakeholders, will provide an overall client satisfaction rating for each business unit.
The survey will close on 5 July 2024. Thank you for participating.